(CLOSED) What are SLPs' favorite toys and games for children?
Wed, Mar 03
Want to know how to buy appropriate toys for your children? Want to know what toys your therapists buy? Have any questions about toys and games for your children?

Time & Location
Mar 03, 2021, 7:15 PM – 7:20 PM
About the event
We will cohost a Clubhouse event with another amazing bilingual speech language therapist to share why and how we choose toys and games for children between 0-5 years.
Do you want to know what to buy for your child?
do you want to know what therapists buy and why?
Any other questions about materials?
Join us at Clubhouse!
Date: 03/03/2021 (Wed)
Time: 7:30-8:30 pm PST
(給學齡前0-5歲的孩子) 想買玩具給孩子,卻不知道該怎麼下手? 想知道語言治療師們都買什麼玩具? 想和語言治療師請教關於選擇玩具的問題? 歡迎大家一起來Clubhouse聊天! [人在美國] 日期:3月3號(這禮拜三!) 時間:晚上7:30pm-8:30pm 美國西岸時間 (PT) 聊天據點:Clubhouse [人在台灣] 日期:3月4號(這禮拜四) 時間:中午11:30-12:30 聊天據點:Clubhouse 什麼是Clubhouse? Clubhouse是個用聲音聊天的Live聊天室!